Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day two and I am not nearly as excited. Actually not excited at all.

This day started out so much better 15 hours ago when I woke up excited to say Yes! I am not currently as excited.

One of the exemptions from my Yes! rule was supposed to be work, but I can't make up my mind, and now I am faced with a dilemma. Today a co-worker asked me if I could cover a few hours for her at the end of this month. Technically I could, but I don't want to. I mean I REALLY don't want to. I am already working quite a share that week, but this person has gone way out of her way to help me when I needed it, and to show me great kindness. That said, I don't believe the purpose of saying Yes! is to work more and so I have not yet answered.

Secondly, a young lad whom I have had relations with in the past, suggested we take a weekend together. This is a very big dilemma indeed because I don't want to do that either. I mean I REALLY REALLY don't want to do that and I most certainly don't want to give him any impression that I am romantically interested in him. I would much rather crawl under a rock and go to sleep. Then I do what I want, when I want, which is apparently nothing, ever. That way I can complain that I am single and alone all the time.

Here I will mention that my co-worker wants me to work for her so that she can go on a date? a date? This girl has had one long term relationship, a couple dating relationships and then another long term relationship, all while I sit along the wayside gathering cobwebs, and being very busy sleeping.

It's not entirely true that I sleep all the time. I am actually quite busy. Or at least I have been up until now. I recently quit the band that I was in, and for good reason, but it has left quite a gap in the ol schedule, and a huge hole in my heart, which is the main reason I just want to never leave my room, or house, or bed.

So today's Yes!es are on hold, that way, they don't technically qualify as a noes! Today I got kicked in the nose. I did. I thought it quite fitting to put it right there next to the noes. Goodnight.

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