Erin, a friend of mine, asked me to go camping this coming weekend. Saying that I could probably go for a night qualifies as a yes, right? I like this person, but I'd rather make a trip to the gym and then lay in bed all day. Trip to gym constitutes guilt free slothery.
My ex, Tavio, has invited me to San Diego where he spends time living on an avocado reserve. It is absolute heaven. Avocado's, oranges, grapefruits and lemons all rolling around. Mix those oranges with some vodka...the place is amazing. He even offered to spot the ticket? This, was my first easy Yes! Spotting the ticket means I don't have to pay it back right?..I should have clarified.
I did decide that I am allowed to say No, or rather fuck no, to work opportunities that present themselves. I work enough. I am not trying to work my life away.
I responded to the lad who wanted to take a weekend trip. It has been a lengthy conversation.
Him: Let's meet up in the mountains in TN or KY some weekend
Me: Sure. I would be up for it as friends, but not romantically
Him: How about fromantically?
I don't even know what that means, but I consider that I did my Yes! part and that's that.
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